D Baker - 日英翻訳者

------------------------- 今までの翻訳をご覧いただきありがとうございます。和英翻訳は私にお任せください!ご連絡をお待ちしております。------------------------- Translation: debra_baker@hotmail.co.uk Tutoring: @grammargopher

翻訳練習 38



西田 宗千佳











ディープラーニングの登場で、機械翻訳はどう変化したのか? 何が起きていて、どんな限界があるのか? あらためて読み解いてみよう。







ディープラーニングがどういう技術で、機械翻訳にどんな役割を果たしているのか? それは、言葉の「意味」をどう考えるか、という点で表すことができる。過去との比較で語ったほうがわかりやすいだろう。


機械翻訳ではもともと、文章や単語のもつ具体的な意味にはいっさい踏み込んでいなかった。用例をもとに読み替え、翻訳していく。「今日は晴れです=Today is sunny day」といった相互に対応する文例を多数用意し、逐一置き換えを行う「辞書的翻訳」だったのだ。それはまさに“機械”的な翻訳であり、置き換えの情報をひたすらつくっていく必要があることから、翻訳の精度を上げるのが困難だった。



















































たとえば英語圏の人物が、ある単語を話しながら両手の人差し指、中指、親指で挟み込むようなジェスチャーをしたら、クオーテーションマーク(“ ”)で単語を括った、というニュアンスがあることから、即座に「いわゆる」という言葉に置き換えるというが、テキスト情報だけに頼る機械翻訳では、そうした部分のカバーは難しい。





















Machine translation has evolved rapidly...but it still can't do these three things



There's no need for translators to fear for their jobs just yet



By Nishida Munechika, freelance journalist


The accuracy of machine translation has improved drastically over the last two years. Although it's far from perfect, our current applications can still create meaningful sentences, even if they sound disjointed. Many of the emails and app user manuals that arrive from overseas have gone through machine translation. Okay, so it's not the most natural sounding Japanese, but it can be read and understood, and it's this practicality that has led to ongoing use of machine translation. We've also seen the introduction of apps that use the camera function to read and translate text. These services can select just the text elements within an image and translate them into many languages. So while on holiday, you can take a snap of a sign and have everything written on it translated at your leisure. Some apps, like Honyaku Konnyaku, listen to what is being said, then voice a translation back to you in your native language - it's like Doraemon's gadgets becoming reality, in an albeit different form. Behind these changes is something called 'deep learning.' It's a concept that is often expressed in one acronym: AI, or artificial intelligence. So how has machine translation changed with the addition of deep learning? What's it all about and how much can it do?


The rapid evolution of Neural Machine Translation

'AI' is not a new phrase. The history of computers really is a history of seeking an artificial intelligence, and there have been many episodes of concentrated interest in AI before now. It's not an exaggeration to say the current AI boom is around deep learning. What kind of technology is deep learning, and what role does it play in machine translation? To answer this, we need to think about the meanings of words, and how things were in the past. Originally, machine translation couldn't get to grips with all the concrete meanings of words and phrases. It processed and translated texts based on examples - it knew that, for example, '今日は晴れです' meant 'Today is sunny.' It was a 'dictionary translation': prepared with mutually compatible example sentences it substituted for the original language one by one. As it truly was mechanical translation, replacing one piece of information, or sentence, for another, it was difficult to improve its accuracy. This is where Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) came in. This processed texts mechanically based on statistical calculations, using a translation database holding huge amounts of example sentences and encoded vocabulary. Because words are treated like data points, the software has no grasp of the meaning of a document. That's where a big change happened. It started with a paper published by Google in 2014, called 'Application of deep learning in automatic translation.' That then became the basis of online machine translation services starting the switch to systems using deep learning, or Neural Machine Translation (NMT) about two years ago.


Deep learning doesn't learn what words mean

Deep learning is currently the technology at the core of what we call AI. It learns in a similar way to us – it creates rules automatically by learning from from vast amounts of information and example answers. As a result, it is suitable for developing software that has traditionally had issues with establishing rules and needs to make judgements on incredibly ambiguous data. It is used in both image and voice recognition, and has dramatically improved accuracy in, for example, distinguishing between human faces, recognize that something is a cat, and recognizing a voice. The introduction of deep learning has resulted in remarkable improvements in the accuracy of image and text recognition software – software that is used by apps like those that recognize and translate text from camera images that we mentioned earlier.


Neural Machine Translation uses these kind of processes to create rules in automatic translation and its use is becoming more mainstream. While deep learning does not perform any kind of interpretation of meaning, which you might expect of an artificial intelligence, it does take a step towards a system that is based on meaning. Neural Machine Translation emphasizes nuance, word order, and taking into account the flow of the text when it calculates how it can deploy what information in which spaces. For example, as a result of using deep learning, it can recognize that two synonyms carry similar information and are used in similar places. It can determine that because of this they have similar meanings, and can then use them in translation. The more texts it translates, the easier the improvement of accuracy becomes, the more the end product seems natural and more based on meaning than traditional machine translation. It's in this way that deep learning has improved the accuracy of machine translation. Another contributing factor is the uptake of Neural Machine Translation by companies as a replacement for previous machine translation engines. They support deep learning as they can see it still has further room to improve. Past techniques like SMT have already been studied for around two decades, and companies evaluate that SMT's improvements in accuracy are stagnating. It's not in a state where dramatic growth can be expected in the near future. Neural Machine Translation is already surpassing the accuracy of SMT, despite the fact it was only studied for a mere two years from the publishing of the academic paper to its practical use. And yet there's still room for improvement. It's the assessment of this kind of future potential that has caused companies to simultaneously change their course for NMT.


Machine translation simply doesn't get nuance or non-verbal communication

So, how much more can machine translation accuracy be improved? Researchers seem to have the same opinion: there will soon be no need for non-English speakers to have a junior high school level English. It's true that the translation accuracy in text types with fixed rules, such as essays, patent and legal documents has seen considerable improvements. The translation accuracy improves further when a document is written with machine translation in mind, with the writer switching out literary words and phrases that have vague nuances. So will there come a time when translators are no longer needed? The commonly held opinion amongst researchers is no.


There are several reasons to think so. Where everyone agrees machine translation is of no use is novels and screenplays. While deep learning deals the general definitions of words, it cannot interpret and translate the meaning of texts as a whole. Even the meaning of the sentence, 'You are an idiot,' can change massively depending on the context. It's difficult for today's deep learning to interpret that nuance and translate the overall meaning of the text.


There are also problems unique to machine learning. For example, machine translations can unexpectedly refer to a woman in a sentence as 'he.' It might be because her profession is dominated by men, and so the rule mistakenly learned by the machine from samples is, 'with this job, use a male pronoun.' The results of learning aren't always right, and of course then it falls to humans to identify and correct these errors. Elimination of faulty learning will become a major issue with the increased use of deep learning.


There is also another fundamental problem. The accuracy of current machine translation is still very poor with simultaneous interpretation. There are two barriers to overcome, as spoken words have to be converted into written words, then translated. Machine translation is undeniably at a disadvantage. Despite that, the creation of speech recognition software has resulted in dramatic improvements in voice-to-text conversion accuracy. The problem comes from translating from the text. Compared to written language, spoken language can be all over the shop. Words can be missed out, the word order can be mixed up, there can be hesitations, or phrases that when you think over them again don't make sense. Humans can get past these factors in conversation and understand the gist. The accuracy of machine simultaneous interpretation won't improve without AI that can do the same. The possibility for mistakes to arise differs massively depending on whether it is based on a written text, spoken conversation or actual face to face conversation, even when the utterance is the same. Humans use plenty of non-verbal communication, and simultaneous interpreters particularly include these nuances in their translations. In the English-speaking world, for example, if a person says a word whilst making a gesture with their index fingers, middle fingers and thumbs held out, they are emphasizing that that word is in quotation marks. Translating this as “the so-called...” is not possible for machine translation when it relies entirely on textual information.


A sublime voice acting performance goes to waste

One phrase can be said with various different nuances. Our example sentence, 'You are an idiot,' can be said as a straight-up insult or with affection. With film dubbing for example, a script is written after having understood the differences between these kind of nuances. Put through machine translation though, the craft in a voice actor's performance would be rendered into flat, uninspired text. Language is rooted in it the culture of its country. Even if the words and conversations are the same, depending on the country, the nuance conveyed may be very different. At the moment, machine translation is very prone to mistranslating those nuances. This is because translation engines don't take into account the cultural background of each country. These factors are actually a source of misinterpretation for human translators, so it's no different for machines. As the accuracy of translation has improved, it has again become apparent how humans use a wide variety of information and use language in various different ways. At the present time, machine translation specializes in translating text where the meaning is on the surface. This is exactly why machines are bad at translation that needs detailed nuance. The problems listed here may eventually also be solved by advances in technology - but for the moment at least, there are still jobs beyond machine translation. Machine translation can be used, but with realistic expectations, either casually, forgiving a few mistakes here and there, or for use as a rough translation in a work setting. Okay, so it can only be used in a limited number of situations, but even so, the cost efficiency of machine translation is incredibly high compared to human translators, and there's no doubt it aids communication. In a Japan that is preparing for the Tokyo Olympics and welcoming in increased visitors from overseas, there is considerable merit in being able to grasp even the gist of a conversation. Machine translation is ultimately a tool, and whether tools are convenient or not is decided by the people who use them. If at long last an AI can understand our cultures and language nuances, it would be a fascinating digital assistant, but we haven't quite created it yet.