D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 39


2019/1/23 マメ知識





































Why do the academic year and fiscal year start in April?

The reason why companies and schools start a new year in April



By Mame Chishiki


As we all know, the year starts on January 1st. Even so, the many organizations that impact our everyday lives such as schools, companies, government offices and so on set their year to start from April 1st - but why?


There are many countries around the world where the first school semester starts in October. Yet the new school year starts in April in Japan, meaning the exam season then takes place at the coldest time of the year, which can be a real burden for children. There has been talk that Japan should change the start of the new school year to September, but it is an incredibly difficult thing to achieve. Today we'll be asking the simple question: why April?


Why do the academic year and financial year start in April?

Normally, the year '2019' refers to the period of time between January 1st 2019 to December 31st 2019. But this is a bit different when we think about the academic or financial year. In these cases, '2019' refers to the period of time between April 1st 2019 and March 31st 2020. There is the year as defined by national and local government offices, known as the fiscal year, then the year observed by the school system, or academic year, which both run from April 1st to March 31st. It's generally thought that the fiscal year refers to the accounting period for private companies and so on, but these actually vary from company to company (having said that, the vast majority of companies use the same April to March fiscal year that government offices do). The term 'year ending March 2019' often used in company balance sheets refers to the period from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019.


It's complicated, right?


So the 'beginning of the year' you often hear is actually referring to April 1st. In actual fact, years haven't just been limited to the one we've been talking about from April 1st to March 31st, as the concept of different timescales was important to olden day agricultural practices that had to be in sync with things like the harvest season. There were various 'years,' such as the sugar year and the sake brewing year, although most of them aren't still in use today. So why does the year we use now run from April 1st to March 31st? The prevailing view is that it was originally timed to be in line with the rice harvest season.


The reason schools and companies start a new year in April

The fiscal year we use today was first implemented in the Meiji period (1868-1912). In a Japan that had just emerged from the Edo period with rice still at the heart of its industry, a major source of tax revenue for the new government was rice grown by farmers. After rice was harvested, exchanged for money, and taxes paid, there was not enough time for the budget to be compiled if January remained the start of the year, so it was decided to make the year start in April instead. Another big contributing factor was that Great Britain, which at the time was a great imperial power, used a fiscal year that started in April. It's said that Japan set its fiscal year to be in line with British one.


As school management is inextricably entwined with school subsidies and the compilation of national and local budgets, school years naturally had to mirror the national fiscal year starting on April 1st. While normal private companies have the freedom to set their own fiscal year, a lot do business with the national or local governments and so on, so it is far more convenient for companies to be in step with the implementation of national and local government budgets. For this reason there are relatively few companies that don't start their fiscal year on April 1st. For companies that do a lot of overseas transactions, there is little that ties them to a fiscal year beginning in April, and there have been more and more companies recently that have decided to organize their year differently. While it is normal across Japan for the fiscal year to start in April, this is not necessarily the case in other countries (such as the US, starting in September).


There has been much talk about changing the academic year in Japan, but it would require a lot of legislative changes and take a huge amount of work. While there are private companies who change their accounting periods, no matter how big a company is, it is still just one company, and relatively simple in comparison. When you consider the people and huge number of laws bound up in changing the fiscal and academic years for the country, local government and schools, it's no surprise that people say it would be impossible.


We hope you've found this information about the fiscal and academic years useful. As always, thanks for reading!