D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 24

FF7 リメイクは武器の装着マテリアまで見えるようになりバレットはおもしろキャラに? 体験版で気になる13のポイント

FF7 リメイク』体験版の気になる細かいポイントを紹介します。


2020.3.3 Tue 13:27


ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイクの発売まであと一ヶ月といったところで、突如本作の体験版が配信開始となりました。この体験版では壱番魔晄炉を爆破するところまで遊べるようになっています。本作は分作で展開される(一作目はミッドガル脱出までが描かれる)ということもあってかなりの作り込みその体験版にもいろいろな細かい見どころも用意されています















クラウドの最初の仲間となるバレットは、地球のために神羅の施設を破壊しようとするアツい男です。しかしFF7 リメイクのバレットはなんだかけっこうおもしろいキャラクターになっています。声優を担当している小林正寛さんの演技が熱演で、バレットがイカついわりになんとも笑えるキャラクターになっているのです。必見ですね。











『FF7 リメイク』では、クラウドが過去を思い出そうとすると頭痛を感じるようなシーンが用意されています。リメイクにあたりストーリーも整理されているそうなので、それに関する伏線なのかも。
















FF7 Remake: visible materia in weapons, Barret now gets laughs? 13 points of interest after playing the demo

 We look at 13 aspects of the demo that caught our attention


Tuesday 3rd March 2020 13:27


Fans have been surprised by the sudden release of a playable demo a month before the release of the Final Fantasy VII Remake. In the demo, the player can go as far as blowing up the sector one Mako reactor. The FFVII Remake will be a considerable feat, being episodic, with the first installment covering events up until leaving Midgar. We were taken by many notable details in the demo version.


Weapons equipped with materia

In the world of FFVII, using magic is as easy as attaching some materia to your weapon. You can now see whether Cloud and Barret have kitted out their weapons with materia, which even turn the color of magic materia.


So how does materia work?

While it's possible to see that materia is equipped, it's not possible to look at what is equipped in the menu screen. You can see what magic is available to use, but even if you go to the equipment menu, there's no information about materia slots. It might be that this feature was held back from the demo, but it could mean that the mechanics for materia in the game itself have changed. We'll have to see.


Japanese signboards in Midgar

The Midgar that Barret and the others live in has become a cyberpunk city complete with signboards and instructions written in both English and Japanese. It's this look that makes it feel uniquely FFVII.


The depiction of Mako energy

Mako energy is drawn from the earth to support the lifestyles of the inhabitants of Midgar, and glows emerald green. In many scenes, including the train scene, Mako energy is visible and radiating light.


Barret as comedic relief

Barret is Cloud's first friend, a passionate man who is set on destroying Shinra facilities for the good of the planet. But in FFVII Remake, he is far more comedic. Kobayashi Masahiro was tasked with Barret's voice acting, and his spirited performance gives rise to a great deal of humor, despite Barret's stern character. It's a must-see!


Posters and vending machines

You might not notice them mid-battle, but a range of posters and vending machines give new life to the scenery of FFVII. The electronic noticeboards alert you to the next 'limited express train' and you can also read the train times. Check out the fascinating level of detail!


Collect moogle medals

By destroying Shinra boxes you can often get your hands on moogle medals. It seems like you will be able to use these collectables for something.


Shinra forklifts?

The Shinra branding appears on various objects, even the forklifts.


Cloud's memories

Cloud is often plagued by headaches in response to resurfacing memories. These scenes are also included in FFVII Remake, perhaps as foreshadowing of this storyline.


Barret climbs ladders one-handed

After having lost one of his hands, Barret has a gun installed where it used to be. He can still climb ladders with his remaining hand, though it must be tough going.


Slide down ladders by dashing

You can get down ladders much faster by using the dash function. Convenient and cool.


Visible damage on the Guard Scorpion

As you attack the Guard Scorpion, the boss included in the demo, the damage is clear as its armor falls apart. We can't get enough of it.


Use shortcuts for a more enjoyable battle

Commands can be input quicker by holding down L1 and the relevant button. If you can master it, it's definitely worth doing, because battles become much more fluid. You can access shortcut settings from the menu.