D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 23

【コラム 】テレワークは捗らない? 自宅勤務でしっかり集中するための3つの極意

• 3日前


そんななか、最近、SNSでチラホラ見るのが「自宅作業つらい」という声です。家だとダラけがち? 集中できない? そんなことはありません! たった 3つのことに気をつければ自宅作業もはかどります。同じやらなきゃいけないなら、在宅勤務を楽しんじゃいましょう!

1. ちゃんと着替える
朝、起きたら顔を洗ってちゃんと着替える。意外とこれが効きます。部屋着のままだと思わずダラ〜っとしてしまいませんか? 特に着心地のいい部屋着だといつまでも頭はリラックスモード。

そこで仕事前にはぜひ服装を整えていただきたい! よそ行きの服装は頭を仕事モードに切り替えるいいスイッチになるのです。スーツやネクタイ、フルメイクまでする必要はありませんが、せめて平日に電車に乗っても恥ずかしくない格好はしておいた方がいいでしょう。ちゃんと着替えておけば、急なオンラインミーティングにも焦りません。

2. 仕事用の空間をつくる



3. 家族には「仕事中なので話しかけないで」と伝えておく
実はこれが一番大事! 目の前に家族がいると会話したくなるものです。普段はそれで良いのですが、仕事中に話しかけられたらたまりません。集中力は途切れるし、イライラもするでしょう。






テレワークには、ほかにも「人に会えない」「外部からの刺激に飢える」などの壁もありますが、それはそれで解決方法があります。たとえばその手に持っているスマホとか! いい時代になりましたよねえ。


The future of telework
Three strategies to increase concentration when working from home 

By Sawai Meg
3 days ago

Telework is a word used to describe the new practice of working out of the office. It began being introduced in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics, but many companies are now hurriedly pushing it as a counter-measure to the coronavirus. Recently though, many people have been giving voice to the difficulties they face working from home on social media.

Doesn't being at home make you lazy? Isn't it impossible to concentrate? There's no need for that be the case! With these three handy hints your telework can progress with ease. If you have to work from home, there's no reason why you can't enjoy it!

1. Change your clothes
Getting up in the morning, washing your face and changing your clothes is actually surprisingly effective. Do you end up lounging around because you're still in your loungewear? That's because you're still in relax mode, particularly if what you're wearing is really comfortable.

So I want you to change your clothes before you get to work! Changing into an outfit that you would wear out will change your mindset into work mode. You don't have to put on a suit and tie or full make-up, but wear something that you wouldn't feel embarrassed about if you got on a weekday train. There will also be no need to rush if you suddenly have to attend a meeting online.

2. Create a space just for work

'I can't concentrate at home so I go to a café.' This approach is fine normally, but to stop the spread of infection, it's essential to avoid places where people gather. Some people will be required to work from home.

So why can't people concentrate at home? It's because the everyday is right in front of their eyes. It bothers people to see books half read, rooms left messy and be reminded of TV they wanted to watch. If you have any spare rooms, it is best practice to dedicate one of them just to work. If you don't, make sure your desk is tidy, and create a space where you can really enter work mode. Using a bedroom is a no go! You want to remove any temptation to sleep.

3. Be clear to your family that you are working and cannot talk

This is actually the most important point! It's natural to want to talk to your family if they are right there in front of you. Normally that's fine, but it will be an irresistible distraction when you're working. It breaks your concentration or can become irritating.

It probably won't feel good to suddenly say, 'don't talk to me, I'm working!' and whoever you're talking to probably won't feel great either. It could ruin the atmosphere at home, and that's going to be hard to work in. So it's best to talk with your family ahead of time if you don't want to talk when at work. This is likely all they will need to change their behavior, and if they forget and accidentally start talking to you, they are likely to apologize and make efforts to remember in future.
Working in a different room with physical distance from others is also likely to be effective.

  • Create an unchanging environment for work

You can make working at home progress with ease by creating an environment that encourages different ways of thinking. In other words, as close an environment as possible to the office. No employees turn up to the office wearing pajamas, have a desk cluttered with their own belongings, talk about private topics more than necessary or talk incessantly on the phone to their families.

Originally, telework was applied to jobs where there was no cost in employees doing their work from home. The nature of the job didn't change, and the type of work and job description allowed for the transition. The key to concentrating on work at home is to create an environment where workers can do the same as normal, and avoid superfluous distractions.

  • Improving self-management skills!

There is an upside to working from home and avoiding unnecessary distractions. At the office, there are always small periods that are like breaks, either to satisfy your sweet tooth or nicotine cravings. At home, after concentrating for two hours, you can always go and clean the bath or turn on the rice cooker. It kills two birds with one stone: while getting domestic chores done you can also get a break from work and return with refreshed concentration.

These are the things I've learned from around four years of teleworking. The home is still the place where you can relax and be as lazy as you like, but it's precisely because of that you are pushed to learn how to practice self-management and pursue efficiency.
There are still other barriers with telework, such as the lack of social input and external stimulation, but there are still solutions if you feel that way. You don't need to look much further than the smart phone in your hand. We live in a remarkable age!