D Baker - 日英翻訳者

------------------------- 今までの翻訳をご覧いただきありがとうございます。和英翻訳は私にお任せください!ご連絡をお待ちしております。------------------------- Translation: debra_baker@hotmail.co.uk Tutoring: @grammargopher

翻訳 7












「起床から4時間後に眠気が襲ってくる人は睡眠が足りてない証拠。朝、目覚まし時計の大きな音などで無理やり起きていませんか? 驚かせて起きる目覚めも熟睡感を低下させ、疲労の原因になります」 















では、疲れを癒し快適に眠るためには、どうしたらいいのか? 過度の運動も熱い風呂も心拍数を上げ、安眠から遠のいてしまう。 






1 いびきをかく

2 嫁と同じベッドで寝る

3 目覚まし時計で起きている

4 トイレに起きないよう水を飲まない

5 寝酒をする

6 疲れるからセックスレスだ

7 熱い風呂が好き

8 休日に夜更かし&昼寝する

9 寝る前まで蛍光灯を全開にする

10 遮光状態で朝を迎える


〈取材・文/週刊SPA!編集部 イラスト/スズキサトル〉





Why you shouldn't share a bed: the top ten reasons you're not sleeping well


Know that feeling of waking up tired and spacing out with fatigue? It might be that your brain has been deprived of oxygen while you snore through your sleep, says Dr Kajimoto Osami from the Tokyo Fatigue and Sleep Clinic.


'The body compensates for a lack of oxygen by raising blood pressure and heart rate. That's the same whether you're sleeping or exercizing. Poor quality of sleep is linked to a number of disorders and lifestyle diseases. By sleeping on your side, you can prevent the tongue blocking the airway and reduce snoring.'


Snoring can of course also prevent your partner sleeping. Women can be particularly prone when approaching the menopause. To avoid the stress of differences in body temperature and snoring, sleeping in separate rooms is the best option.


'Feeling drowsy around four hours after waking is a sure sign of not enough sleep. Are you forcing yourself to get up in the morning with an alarm? Waking abruptly can also reduce deep sleep, which might be the cause of your fatigue.'


Drifting in and out of shallow and deep sleep and waking up naturally with the daylight is the ideal for a relaxing sleep. Sleeping in a completely dark room is not recommended.


'Also, some people don't drink enough water before bed because they don't want to get up in the night to use the bathroom, but this is not advisable. As long as there are no symptoms of urinary diseases, getting up in the night is due to the shallowness of sleep rather than the need to urinate. If you sleep well, you don't need to get up in the night. Drinking water before bed is actually the first step towards good quality sleep, as well as staving off things like dehydration and hemoconcentration.'


One thing in common with a lot of people who can't get to sleep is alcohol.


'You may feel drowsy as alcohol numbs the autonomic nerves, though due to its interference with circadian rhythms, it results in poor quality sleep.'


So what's the best way to sleep well and feel rested? Both exercise and hot baths raise the heart rate, so might not be the best way to a restful sleep.


According to Dr Osami, sex is the most effective for a good night's sleep. As long as you go back to your own room afterwards!


The top ten causes of unhealthy sleeping patterns

  1. Snoring
  2. Sharing a bed
  3. Waking up to an alarm
  4. Not drinking water before bed
  5. Drinking alcohol before bed
  6. Always being too tired for sex
  7. Too many hot baths
  8. Staying up late on days off and napping
  9. Artificial light before bed
  10. Blocking out the morning daylight



Reporting/written by Nikkan SPA!

Images by Suzukisatoru