D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 8



20日放送のTOKYO MX「5時に夢中!」(月~金曜・後5時)でコラムニストのマツコ・デラックス(47)が、深夜のファミレスでの思い出を語った。 




マツコにとって深夜ファミレスの利用は「営業明けよね」。「朝方に女装の営業が終わって、ちょっとおなかも空いているし、『ちょっと休んでいこうか』とかいって次の夜までいたりね」と、半日近く滞店していたことを告白して笑いを誘うと「ちゃんと4食食べました! お金は落としてます!」と店舗の営業に貢献していたと主張した。 






'I would eat four meals there.' Matsuko Deluxe confesses to staying in family restaurants from morning to night


Columnist Matsuko Deluxe, 47, opened up about not leaving restaurants until late at night on Monday's 'Goji Ni Muchu' broadcast on TOKYO MX ('Goji Ni Muchu' is broadcast Monday to Friday from 5pm).


From April, family restaurants such as Gusto and Jonathan's operated by Skylark Holdings will no longer open 24 hours due to staff shortages.

In reaction to this news, Matsuko reflected on the changing times. 'People live differently these days. There wasn't ever any point going to family restaurants late at night. People stopped doing such stupid things.'


For Matsuko, they were a place to go after work. 'Getting out of work early in the morning, I was hungry, I wanted to rest, so. Then I'd end up staying until the next night,' he confessed, adding jokingly, 'I would eat four meals there! I did pay!'


At the end of the programme, talking about Tokyo's LGBT District, Matsuko remarked, 'When the bars closed in the morning in Shinjuku Nichome it was chaos.' Both Matsuko and Wakabayashi Fumie, a Nichome day trader and stocks critic, lamented the closing down of the Denny's restaurant in Tomihisacho in 2010 mentioned in a listener email.