D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 31










IQが知能指数を表すものとされることは良く知られています。これに対し、EQEmotional Quotient:感情指数)とは、「心の知能指数」とも呼ばれており、自分の感情や相手の感情を正しく理解し、コントロールしながら前向きに良好な関係を築いていく能力とされています。「EQ・こころの知能指数」の著者であるアメリカのジャーナリスト、ダニエル・ゴールドマンは、「社会で成功するにはIQの要素はわずか20%で、残り80%EQの要素が必要である」と述べており、社会的成功には必ずしも高いIQが求められるというわけではないのです。


また、SQSocial Quotient:社会的指数)とは、コミュニケーション能力(社会性)を表すものとされ、ダニエル・ゴールドマンは、SQを「他社との関係において高い知性を発揮する能力」と定義しており、まわりの人と同調することや気持ちを読み取る、感じとる能力に長けることは、とりわけリーダーの資質に必要とされる能力と言えます。


HQHumanity Quotient:人間性指数)とは、前頭連合野の持つ人間らしさの知能のこととされ、IQに代わる新たな指数と位置付けられています。社会的な知能、感情的な知能の複合体であり、HQの中で中心的な役割を果たすのがIQ(高い思考力)であるとされています。様々な知能を自己コントロールする役割を果たしていることから、幼児教育の現場でも取り組みが始められています。




EQSQHQを測定するために用いられるのが、設問とそれに対す答えをチェックし診断する方法です。例えば、SQを測るためには、ESCI(Emotional and Social Competency Inventory)という測定ツールが存在し、他にもインターネット上には多くの診断ツールがありますのでどのような能力を持った人がほしいのか?などに合わせて自身にあったものを使ってみましょう。「上司や先輩などの意見を素直に聞くことが出来るか」など設問の種類は様々ですが、好奇心や開拓力、向上心、解析力、謙虚さなどに分類された設問に対して答えていきます。このような詳細な検査を行うことにより適切な診断結果を出すことが可能です。学力や適正を測るものは多く出回っていますが、まだこのような詳細な診断を取り入れている医院は少ないためダイヤの原石が見つかるかもしれません。














How to identify the most talented potential employees



EQ, SQ and HQ and the outstanding employee

In clinic management, unless duties are managed by just by one person (or perhaps a family), it is impossible to avoid the issue of human resources. There are no doubt many clinic directors who are troubled daily by the issue of how to find talented potential employees. In this article, we will explore the EQ, SQ and HQ indexes that describe essential traits of the exceptional employee.


What are EQ, SQ and HQ?

IQ is well known as an index of measuring intelligence, however EQ, or emotional quotient, measures an individual's ability to understand and manage their own emotions, understand the emotions of others, and build good relationships. American journalist and author of 'Emotional Intelligence' Daniel Goleman says, 'At best, IQ contributes about 20 percent to the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80 percent to other forces; forces grouped as emotional intelligence.' In other words, a high IQ is not always needed to achieve social success.


SQ, or social quotient, measures an individual's communication capacities, and is defined by Goleman as the ability to demonstrate high intelligence in relationships with others. Being able to sympathize with others, be in tune with their emotions and use empathy are seen to be essential leadership qualities.


HQ, or humanity quotient, is a new index positioned to take the place of IQ. It refers to a kind of 'humanity intelligence' originating in the frontal association cortex. It incorporates both social and emotional intelligence with IQ playing a central role. As HQ involves the self control of various intelligences, initiatives to hone HQ have already begun in early childhood education.


Measurement methods

EQ, SQ and HQ are all measured through quiz-like assessments. For example, the ESCI (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory) is used to measure SQ. Various other tests are also available on the Internet, so you really can find the people with the abilities you want by using the right tools. Applicants answer questions split into categories to measure things like curiosity, talent for development, ambition, analytic abilities and modesty. Performing such a detailed test can produce far more relevant results. While there are many such tests that measure academic ability and aptitude, there are limited numbers of clinics running these kind of detailed tests - it may be that you can find some untapped potential that other clinics are missing.


How can EQ, SQ and HQ be increased?

While everyone is born with a degree of EQ and SQ, there are certainly differences between individuals in society. Luckily, both EQ and SQ can be raised through relevant training. The two important aspects are awareness and control. For example, a person with high EQ will be able to motivate and control themselves, and even if things turn out badly, strive to turn things around. They will also be able to empathize with others and control their emotions towards others. It is possible to improve your competencies by giving consistent attention to self control, emotional awareness and considering your attitude, words and behavior towards others. In an ideal world, these practices would become habit.



Interviews, applications and recruitment surveys are important tools to investigate the EQ, SQ and HQ of applicants during recruitment drives. Surprising results can be derived by asking questions not normally included in standard question models. By asking 'genuine' questions as much as possible, we can begin to determine the nature of applicants' abilities. High EQ, SQ and HQ are particularly desirable qualities for organizations reliant on customer service. We hope that you too will consider using these tools to guarantee you recruit exceptional employees next time you begin the recruitment process.