D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 30

5回 プログラミングを楽しく学ぶには

  • 連載 大川翔

  • 2019.5.20



1999年生まれ。5歳のときカナダへ。9歳でカナダ政府にギフティッドと認定され、12歳で中学を飛び級し高校へ進学。2014年春、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学(UBC)、マギル大学、トロント大学などカナダ名門5大学に奨学金付きで合格し、話題となる。同年6月、14歳でトーマス・ヘイニー高校を卒業し、同年9月にUBCへ入学。20151月、カナダ政府からカナダ総督アカデミック・メダル賞受賞。201612月、UBCサイエンス学部長賞受賞。2017年夏、アメリカ・グラッドストーン研究所(山中伸弥教授)にてインターンを経験。20185月、18歳でUBCを卒業(バイオロジー・オナーズ)。同年7月、孫正義育英財団第2期生に合格。8月から、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター(谷内江望准教授)にて研究を開始する。20194月、19歳で慶應義塾大学大学院(修士課程)に入学。著書に『ザ・ギフティッド 14歳でカナダのトップ大学に合格した天才児の勉強法』(扶桑社)、『僕が14歳で名門5大学に合格したわけ』(学研プラス)がある。





(※1EQEmotional Intelligence Quotient):自分の感情を認識し、自制する能力や、他者を共感的に理解する能力を測定する指数のこと。心理学博士であるダニエル・ゴールマンが提唱した。

(※2)HQHumanity Quotient):目的や夢に向かって、社会の中で協調的に生きるための能力を測定する指数のこと。「社会的な知能」と「感情的な知能」の複合的な評価であり、HQが高い人は、目的に向かって計画的に努力する能力が高いとされる。人間性脳科学研究所の所長である澤口俊之博士が提唱した。

どんな習い事がHQを鍛えることにつながるかは、研究者によって調査されています。その結果によると、HQを鍛える効果がある習い事は、「ピアノ」、「そろばん」、「サッカー」なのだそうです。 プログラミングは新しい習い事として注目されていますが、実はプログラミングもこのHQを鍛える習い事になるだろうと僕は思っています。なぜなら、プログラミングを学ぶことにより、能動的に動く姿勢や、発想力、問題解決力などを身につけることができるからです。特に、プログラミングの勉強は、論理数学的知性(※3)を鍛えるのに適しています。プログラミングは、いわゆる「アタマを良くする習い事」の代表格として定着することになるでしょう。













(※4)J−PARC(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex):世界最先端の大強度陽子加速器施設。








Part 5: Study programming the fun way

Series by Ōkawa Shō



About Ōkawa Shō

Ōkawa Shō was born in 1999 and moved to Canada when he was 5 years old. He was recognized as gifted by the Canadian government at age 9, and skipped junior high school to study at secondary school at age 12. In the spring of 2014, he passed the entrance exams of five prestigious universities including the University of British Columbia, McGill University, University of Toronto, with offers of full scholarships. In June of the same year, aged 14, he graduated from Thomas Haney Secondary School and went onto the University of British Columbia that September. In January 2015, he was awarded the Governor General's Academic Medal by the Canadian government. In the summer of 2017, he interned at Gladstone Institutes in America under Dr Yamanaka Shinya. In May 2018, aged 18, he graduated from UBC with a Biology Honours Degree. In July of the same year, he passed the second stage of Masason Foundation, an organization set up to support young people with exceptional talents. From August, he began working on research as an intern at Associate Professor Nozomu Yachie's lab at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) at the University of Tokyo. In April 2019, at the age of 19, he began a master's course at Keio University Graduate School. He is the author of 'The Gifted: Study techniques of a prodigy accepted by Canada's top universities at age 14' published by Fusosha and 'How I was accepted by five prestigious universities in Canada at age 14' by Gakken Plus.



Does programming make you smarter?

The standard measurement of intelligence is the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test, which assesses verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed. While those people who are said to have a high IQ are very knowledgeable and possess a high level of administrative skills, I feel that IQ is insufficient in determining a person's intelligence in the truest sense. There are many mental abilities that are not measured by a standard intelligence test that I see as part of 'true intelligence,' such as the ability to discover and create new things, see commonalities in unrelated matters, use flexible creative thought, be decisive, make others laugh, and emotionally move people.

EQ (Emotional Quotient) (*1), or HQ (Humanity Quotient) (*2) seem far more appropriate to measure this 'true intelligence.'



(*1) EQ is an index that measures the capacity for an individual to recognize their own emotions, exert self control, and empathize with and understand others. It is often referred to as 'emotional intelligence' and was proposed by psychologist Dr Daniel Goleman.


(*2) HQ is an index that measures the ability of an individual to live cooperatively within society and is a composite evaluation of both social and emotional intelligence. Individuals with high HQ are skilled at working systematically towards goals. It was proposed by Dr Sawaguchi Toshiyuki, head of HNI (Humanity Neuroscience Institute).



Researchers have been investigating what activities are related to developing a higher HQ, and playing the piano, learning abacus and playing soccer all appear to be effective. Programming has gained attention as a new skill that can be learned, and I consider it likely that this too would increase an individual's HQ. By learning how to code, an individual can develop their creativity of thought and problem solving skills, as well as learning how to take the initiative. The study of programming particularly trains an individual's logical-mathematical intelligence (*3), and is established as an example of a method of improving an individual's intelligence.



(*3) Logical-mathematical intelligence is a type of intelligence that governs an individual's ability to analyze problems logically, conduct scientific research and understand mathematical symbols.



Two reasons why people dislike learning


Many people choose their school subjects thinking about their futures. However, as I mentioned previously in this series, feeling obliged to study a subject, either because it comprises part of compulsory education or because an individual feels they should acquire the skill for future use means that all fun will likely be lost from the process. Let us look at two reasons as to why people can come to dislike learning.


The first is due to not being suited to their chosen subject of study. As previously mentioned, practising the piano is a model example of how to improve an individual's HQ, but there are also plenty of people who did not enjoy learning to play piano as children. This is something I often hear about various experiences of learning. It is often answered by those who say we should not force ourselves to do things we are bad at, but instead do things we like in a field to which we are more suited. I certainly think there is no need to force ourselves to do things we are bad at, and I am in agreement that we should challenge ourselves within the things we excel at.


There may be people who come to the conclusion that learning generally is something they are not suited to. These people may fit into the second category of why people come to dislike learning: not being suited to their mentor's style of teaching.


In the example of learning piano, I honestly think that a lot of the time a lack of teaching competence leads to not being enthused with the enjoyment of music and then a lack of skill development. I myself learnt piano, and it saddens me to hear of stories where people did not find it enjoyable.


These points can also be made in the case of learning to code. If an individual holds the preconception that programming is difficult, at the first hurdle they are liable to think that programming is not for them. But, with good advice from the right mentor, this situation can be changed for the better. There is a high chance that under instruction that is unsuited to the individual, they can become overly conscious of the aspects they are not good at. I was taught piano by a teacher called Anna, and thanks to her guidance, I enjoyed it.


How to enjoy programming

Next, I want to talk about my experiences of programming and how best to enjoy the study of something that seems so difficult.


A long time ago, I went to a dance class, though I gave it up the very same day. I did so because it wasn't much fun. My parents told me there was no need to force myself to go, and that was that. Some time after, I had the opportunity to take a dance class at school, and found out how fun it could be. A lot of that was down to the teacher. Of course there were other factors, like getting on well with the teacher, the timing of the class and being with friends – but largely I think it relies on the abilities of the teacher. Perhaps, if I was particularly interested in dance at the time, I might have decided to become a dancer. These kind of seemingly insignificant coincidences can change a person's future.


A lot of people tell me that they aren't good at physics because it's difficult and they don't understand it. When I visited J-PARC (*4), I was given a physics lesson by Dr Tada Masaru (*5). Dr Tada does not have the appearance of an assistant professor, with long blond hair and a passion for military affairs and Japanese 'idol' celebrities. But more than anything he is fun to listen to. His lectures are incredibly accessible and so interesting that before you know it you have been taken in by the subject matter. I was left feeling that if I regularly attended Dr Tada's lectures, I would likely be able to understand those things so many people label difficult and find physics enjoyable.



(*4) J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) is a world-class high intensity proton accelerator facility.

(*5) Tada Masaru is a particle physicist and assistant professor at KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) and IPNS (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies), and participated in the design of J-PARC.



It is because of this that I think that mentors are incredibly important in ensuring that learning is fun. Whether an individual will come to love or hate a subject can be entirely reliant on the mentor or teacher. When it comes to studying programming, there may be times when you hit a wall and feel like it is too difficult or you can't do it. At such a time, having a good mentor nearby is an effective way of ensuring you don't give up and keep going to the end.


In conclusion, my advice when it comes to all types of learning is to not force yourself to do things you don't like, but instead seek out subjects you find fun, interesting, or could come to like, and on top of that, find yourself a good mentor. Programming is an incredibly fun and interesting skill to have, but no one can do it right from the start. With support from a good mentor, you can begin to think for yourself, figure things out, solve problems and create plans, while being as enjoyably immersed as if you were playing a game.


If you remain passive, you may get lucky and encounter a good mentor, but the chances significantly improve if you get out there and try to find one. The best thing is to experiment, find a good mentor and a way that works for you. The power is in your hands.