D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 29

良いも悪いも活用次第? AIで“変える”日本の仕事  vol.4 仕事はAIとともに進化する(最終回)









そのような問題を解決するための手段として期待されているのが、3月から本格的な商用サービスが開始される第5世代移動通信システム、通称“5G”である。この運用開始に先立って、シャープ株式会社は日本初の5G対応スマートフォン「AQUOS R5G」を今春発売すると発表した。









本連載の2で紹介したアメリカの不動産仲介会社eXp Realtyのバーチャルオフィスのような事例は、テレワークの極致と言えよう。社員が一つのオフィスに物理的に通勤する必要がないのであれば、この度の新型コロナウイルスのような感染症の流行など、不測の事態に見舞われた際でもリスクを避けながら仕事ができる。ただ、そこまで極端なテレワーク化は社内体制の見直しから考える必要があり、既存の企業にはハードルが高い。






3で紹介したMira Robotics株式会社のアバターロボット「ugo」は、まさしくその先駆けであろう。同社は総合ビルメンテナンスを手がける大成株式会社と業務提携し、アバターロボットを活用した警備ソリューションを開発。実証実験を行い、今秋より本格的な運用開始を予定していると発表した。


Mira Robotics社が将来的な形として目指しているように、今後一般家庭にまで普及が進めば、高齢者の介護をロボットを通じて遠方から行うといったことも可能になるに違いない。それをほかの仕事にも応用できれば、東京都心部への人口一極集中の緩和や、地方創生につなげることも期待できる。優れた通信技術によって、もはや仕事をするための障害だった“距離の壁”がなくなる日も、近いのではないか。









また、2で取り上げた株式会社Books & Companyの音声認識AIによる文字起こしサービスも、AIの進化でますます精度の向上が望めるし、高度な通信環境下におけるテレワークでの活用も期待できる。こうしたサービスや取り組みによって、上記の企業のいずれもが目指しているのが、業務効率を上げ、無駄を削ぎ落し、人間が使える時間や余力を増やすこと。それで得たリソースを、より創造的な取り組みに活かすことである。







The potential for good or harm: how work in Japan will change with AI, vol.4: The evolution of work and AI (Last in series)


The era of 5G is nearly here


The start of this year has been marked by the gradual spread of a fierce new type of pneumonia. One after the other large scale events have been cancelled or postponed due to fears over the spread of the virus, including the Tokyo Marathon that was due to take place on March 1st. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare have called for people to avoid non-essential travel, and for employers to enforce initiatives to allow for staggered or remote working.


With the recent reforms in working methods, companies that are introducing remote working measures have increased, as has interest towards remote working for business people. That said, remote working is still far from widespread, and there are still a lot of people who do not see working outside of an office environment as realistic.


Aside from jobs that are impossible to do remotely, there are many reasons why working from home has yet to really take off. There are issues of labor management and revision of the company's internal system, not to mention the not insignificant time and cost required to roll out the system. One major reason is the problem of the communication environment. Working out how to maintain quick and accurate communication is problematic, and sending data and documents back and forth can take considerable time which then makes a dent on work efficiency. These problems are central to the worries about remote working.


The fifth generation wireless technology for digital cellular networks, or '5G,' is expected to solve a great number of these problems when full-scale commercial services start in March. Japan's first 5G ready smart phone will also be on sale this spring: the AQUOS R5G, made by Sharp.


The era of 5G is almost at our fingertips. What kind of changes will the progress in communication technology that make it possible for us to use drones, robot control, and AI data management and analysis cause to business? It is worth looking back over the technology we have covered with this in mind.


With exceptional technology, distance is no longer a problem


What specifically will change with the establishment of the 5G network? Simply put, 5G will enable transmissions of high volumes of information at high speed with minimal delay. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 5G is a hundred times faster than our current 4G network, allowing for a download of a two hour movie in around three seconds. These advantages are often framed in terms of the benefits to entertainment and everyday life, although it will also be of considerable benefit to remote working and the field of business.


In the second part of this series, we featured eXp Realty, a real estate brokerage, whose virtual office can be said to be the pinnacle of remote working. If there is no need for an employee to be physically present in an office, the risks from unforeseen events such as the recent coronavirus epidemic can be avoided, and work can continue. However, it is necessary to consider such an extreme example of remote working from the point of view of reworking the internal company structure – for many existing companies this would be quite a feat.


5G might be a game changer for those companies, as it will become possible to exchange information in closer to real time than ever, with time lags drastically reduced. If it is possible to send and receive information instantly and for workers to communicate with ease, even general companies will find the introduction of remote working to be relatively easy.


Being able to watch high definition video without delay is a major benefit of 5G. Together with the use of VR technology, it will be possible to view various things as if you were really there. Being able to remotely control robots without delay will make work requiring precision detail by hand possible from a remote area, for example surgery or mechanical repairs, as well as construction work that needs to be done at great height or in dangerous places.


In the third part of this series, we featured Mira Robotics and their pioneering avatar robot, ugo. Mira have also struck a business alliance with Taisei, who provide comprehensive building maintenance, to develop security solutions based on the use of avatar robots. After conducting demonstration tests, they have announced plans for a full-scale operation to begin this fall.


Mira Robotics has its eyes on the future: if this kind of technology spreads to general households, then remotely controlled robots could be used, for example, to provide care to seniors. Applied to other kinds of work, and it could help mitigate the over density of population in central Tokyo, and elsewhere contribute to regional revitalization. It might not be that long until outstanding communication technology makes all work possible no matter the distance.


A new age of business evolving with AI


Essential to the AI and robotics that we have mentioned up until now is high speed communications technology. In turn, AI is crucial for processing the high speed exchange of huge amounts of data in real time. Various technologies are interconnected and evolving alongside each other.


One example is the vegetable harvesting robot made by inaho that we introduced in the first of this series, which is automatically controlled by AI. Advances in AI and communication technologies could allow an airborne drone to send and receive high definition image data, to analyse that data, and be able to pinpoint which produce are at an ideal time to harvest. Similarly, the cloud robotics service provided by Headwaters could also achieve much more flexible application by benefiting from AI assisted data analysis, and the fast information sharing capacities of various machinery utilizing IoT.


In the second part of this series, we featured Books & Company, and their voice recognition AI powered transcription service, which will also see the increases in accuracy that come with advances in AI. Usage is also expected in remote work using high speed communications. All of the companies we have mentioned here are aiming towards a future of higher work efficiency, reduced waste, and abundance of time and money available to people. Using resources in a more creative and effective way is key.


These efforts provide the spring board for the next technologies to be conceived, which can then be used for jobs in the future. That said, it will not be AI that controls these technologies and puts them to work – it will be humans. Far from AI stealing jobs, work will simply evolve alongside AI. It sounds trite but it's true that it is dependent on humans as to whether the future is promising or troubling. How will we make use of the ever evolving technologies that are constantly being created? That, more than anything, is our challenge.