D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 32


お金のこと | 2020.03.11


































How credit cards can make (or break) your mortgage application

Finances | 11/03/2020


Everyone seems to have at least one credit card. But did you know that if used incorrectly, they can negatively affect your mortgage application?


Credit cards make purchases simple and easy, but that doesn't change the fact that is essentially a loan. They are used to conduct 'credit transactions,' which involves borrowing money. While they are easy to use, it is worth being aware of this fact.


As credit card use is no different to taking out loans, it inevitably has an effect on your mortgage application. The process of applying for a mortgage is more rigorous than car financing, and approval can be denied for the most trivial of reasons. For those of you who are considering applying for a mortgage in the future, we have compiled this list of three things to be aware of.


[1] Limit cash withdrawals on your credit card

It is often thought that when applying for a mortgage, things like annual income and loans are the main important factors. But credit card history can also affect your application. Be especially careful not to overuse the cash withdrawal feature on your credit card.

Firstly, because it's a high interest type of borrowing at between 14 – 18% APR. Secondly, it gives the impression to a prospective mortgage lender that despite borrowing money at such a high rate, you still need more, which is likely to adversely impact your application.


[2] Limit late credit card payments

As mentioned previously, your credit card history will have an impact on your mortgage application. One thing to particularly watch out for is late payments.

If you have a history of late payments, getting a mortgage will become very difficult. Late payment records last for approximately five years, so you may find your mortgage applications rejected for a number of years. While one incidence of late payment won't be left on your records, a month of late payments may see you blacklisted.

If you have a history of late payments, we recommend that you check your credit history at a Personal Credit Information Center before making a mortgage application.


[3] Limit the amount of credit cards

Even if you have never incurred a late payment or withdrawn cash on your credit card, you may still find your mortgage application met with rejection.

This may be because you have taken out too many credit cards. Normally with credit cards, it is possible to set a credit limit and a cash limit. If the set cash limit on your credit cards amounts to several million yen in total, your application can still fail, even if you barely use those credit cards and there are no problems with your borrowing, income and workplace conditions. This is because your cash limit is seen as the amount that you are able to borrow, and if that is several million yen, there is a concern that this is what you could borrow in the future.

Even if you don't use your credit cards, there is still a possibility that the bank will raise your cash limit themselves. It is common to hear from people who have been unaware their cash limits have been raised to a total of several million yen.

For this reason, we recommend that before you apply for a mortgage you cancel any unneeded credit cards. You can send away for credit information even about credit cards you aren't using.

If you have passed the sections on income, borrowing and workplace conditions but your application has still failed, we recommend that you look into the cash limits involved in your past credit card use.


Credit cards are still an easy and convenient way to shop and borrow. If used incorrectly however, they can become an obstacle to the success of your mortgage application. For those of you who regularly use credit cards, we hope that these tips will get you a step closer to your dream of home ownership.