D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 40




【女性が活躍する社会は実現するのか】第1回:働く女性の歴史 日本の女性が社会進出し始めたのは、たった60年前のこと


2842万人。日本の人口の約14にあたるこの数字は、現在の女性労働人を示しています(厚生労働省「働く女性に関する対策の概況(平成151月~12) http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/koyoukintou/josei-jitsujo/dl/15b.pdf)。みなさんもご承知の通り、ひと昔前まで、女性は家に入って家事や子育てをする役割を担っていました。しかし現代は、女性が社会で活躍することが当たり前になっています。それでは、現在に至るまで、女性はどのように社会へ進出してきたのでしょうか。今回からスタートする連載企画「働き方×女性」の第一回は、女性の社会進出の経緯についてご紹介したいと思います。



































[Has society become a place where women can thrive?] Part 1: The history of women in work in Japan

Social progress for Japanese women started a mere sixty years ago


March 9th 2017


28.4 million. This is a quarter of Japan's population, and the current number of women who are in work, according to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare ('Overview of Measures for Working Women' Jan – Dec 2003 http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/koyoukintou/josei-jitsujo/dl/15b.pdf). Up until very recently, a woman's role has largely been confined to staying at home to do housework and raise children. Now, however, it is commonplace for women to take an active role in society. What changes took place so that women could achieve the social progress they experience today? In this, the first part of the series called 'Work styles and women,' we will be looking at the history of how women's roles in society have changed.


Social progress for women tied to post-war reconstruction

Social progress for women came after Japan's defeat in World War Two. The Japanese household (or 'ie') legal structure that classified men as the head of the family collapsed as the US reformed Japanese law. In its stead the country transformed into a democracy advocating gender equality. In 1945, women acquired the freedom to vote, and mixed-sex education was also established. After this, and with sights set on the post-war revival of the country, Japanese people entered an age of intense work. The next changes came in 1950, with the outbreak of the Korean War in the neighboring Korean peninsula. Large orders of military resources from the US meant that Japan broke through into a period of high economic growth. At this time, middle school graduates, known as 'golden eggs,' left for Tokyo for mass recruitment. This boost in labor became the driving force behind the high economic growth that followed. Alongside this, the steady progress of technological innovations meant more companies were using computers, and as the prosperity continued, it also benefited the service industry, which saw the number of supermarkets and restaurants increase, and with it the demand for women in employment. Before World War Two, women could not even go to university, but now with the establishment of new women's universities and women's junior colleges, alongside the implementation of a mixed-sex university system, the rates of women attending university saw a gradual increase. After graduating from university, women found employment, however marriage and childcare meant that the majority of women ended up leaving the workplace. This led to a pattern of women starting work again once children were grown, either on a part-time or full-time basis.


The road to careers for women opens with the passing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law

As Japan's high economic growth began to even out in 1975, the United Nations held a 'World Conference on Women,' where both the 'Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace' and a 'World Plan of Action' were adopted to achieve the goals of International Women's Year. In response, Japan decided on its own domestic action plan. It was based on five basic policies with a foundation of gender equality, including the promotion of women's involvement in all forms of culture and the raising of women's social status, and spanned eleven priority issues such as education, employment, childcare, home life and old age. One of the major turning points was in 1985, with the passing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law. This law stipulates that men and women must be treated equally in regards to recruitment, promotions, education and training, welfare, retirement age, retirement and dismissal, and that female workers cannot be discriminated against due to their sex. At the time the law was passed, the country was right in the midst of an economic bubble. As the economy grew, so did the numbers of women in employment, resulting in a drastic reduction of time at home to prepare and consume food. Instant foods became popular, as they could be prepared with little effort and cost. Companies jumped on the opportunity to begin developing products and services they could market to women. From that point on, the impact of women was increasingly felt in the market and wider society.


Technological developments enable more freedom in work

Years later in 1991, the economic bubble burst and Japan entered a long recession known as the 'Lost Decade' (that was then subsequently known as the 'Lost Twenty Years'). It became difficult for families to manage their finances on just the husband's income alone, and so the number of dual income households increased, though due to layoffs caused by company restructuring, women were forced into working as contract employees or part-time staff. Companies came to prefer employing part-time workers, as they presented little risk in terms of insurance premiums and long term employment, and so women's presence in the workforce was a win-win situation for both businesses and the women themselves. At the time, the birth rate had fallen to 1.75, and in response a 1975 law was amended to become the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law. What was truly ground-breaking about the amendment was that it meant both men and women became able to take child care leave up until their child turned one year old. Although even now the percentage of fathers taking child care leave is still in the single digits, there has been an increase in the number of men participating in the childcare positive 'cool dad' (or 'ikumen') culture. As Japan entered the 2000s, working outside the office was made possible by advances in information technology and the internet, and subsequently the number of companies rolling out remote working practices began to increase. The spread of cloud computing, which enables the share of information across the internet, supported a kind of working that was not limited to a specific time or place, and increasingly women with children turned to freelance working.


The increase in government policies to support women

Finally, there were national policies brought in to support women's activities. From its peak at 128 million in 2008, the Japanese population has been declining, with the birth rate also remaining low at 1.43 in 2013. There is no denying the fact that continuing at this rate, the working population will continue to decline. Efforts should be made to increase the birth rate, although first of all, priority should be given to making best use of the current resources, namely human resources, in order to avoid negatively affecting the labor force. In September 2016, the Council for the Realization of Work Style Reform was launched, with the role of women in the workplace included in the nine item agenda, alongside senior and foreign workers.


This is how the data stacks up.

- Rate of women in managerial positions: approximately 10% (a fairly low level by international standards)

- Turnover rate of women after birth of their first child: 60%

- Rate of women who take up part-time work after childbirth or raising children: just under 60%


These are the reasons why it cannot be said that women are truly able to thrive in present day Japan. In 2016, the government brought in the 'Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace.' This law aimed at making work easier for women by creating a more supportive environment, requiring companies to participate in a four step initiative, culminating in the formulation of an Employers Action Plan based on an understanding of women's participation in the company and an analysis of relevant issues. At the end of last year, it was announced in the fiscal 2017 tax amendments that deductions that applied to households where a spouse's annual income is 1.03 million yen or less will now only apply to incomes of 1.5 million yen or less from January 2018. This 470,000 yen increase benefits mothers and their families if she works up to a level of 1.5 million yen annual income. It is expected that the impact of promoting further employment of women will be seen in their efforts to increase part-time work, take on full-time work or return to work after an absence. These national initiatives are creating an environment where women can more easily return to working society. Now it will be down to the efforts of individual companies and organizations as to how the work style reforms will change the way women live their lives.