D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 33

性暴力の被害 女性だけではないことを知ってほしい


(社会番組部ディレクター 村山かおる)





20代 男性








性暴力救援センター日赤なごや なごみ

名古屋第二赤十字病院にある「性暴力救援センター日赤なごや なごみ」を取材すると4年前の開設以来、寄せられた相談数がのべ5000件に上る中、男性からの相談も235件ありました。








































Sexual violence doesn't just affect women, say victims

27/11/19 12:49


There are cases of sexual violence where men, as well as women, are the victims. We visited a support center in Nagoya that has supported both male and female victims in over 200 consultations in four years, and followed the real stories and agony involved in the all too often forgotten issue of sexual violence against men.


By Murayama Kaoru, director of the Social Program Department



It definitely isn't just women who are victims.”

There is a link on both the Today's Close-up and main NHK homepage called 'Thinking about sexual violence' in the 'everyone+' section. Various people submit their experiences everyday, and in amongst them, those from men in particular have been increasing recently.


20 year old male


When I was in elementary school, I was subjected to sexual bullying by two boys in the same class as me on a daily basis. At the end of the school day, they would do things like strip me naked in a toilet cubicle, undress me in the middle of the road, lick my genitals or urinate on me. I didn't understand at the time, but I felt miserable when I realised later what the behavior was.


Although I can spend time with women, I can't do any more than that at the moment. It might be because I feel guilty thinking that I might do what was done to me to someone else. Because it was a sexual thing, it's been hard to ever talk about with my parents, and I've yet to talk to anyone about it.


I want it to be known better around the world that it definitely isn't just women who are victims.


It was in puberty, when he was 12, when he realised what he had gone through was sexual violence.


But, for fear that things would get worse, as well as feeling ashamed, he was unable to open up to anyone about being victimized.


As the incidents always took place outside school, unobserved by any adult, he felt that there was no use in telling a teacher or his parents, so gave up on the idea of reporting it.


On-site at victim support

In the four years since the Sexual Violence Support Center Nagomi was established in the Japanese Red Cross Nagoya Daini Hospital, they have held around 5000 consultations, with 235 of those supporting male victims.


The Center hears of various experiences of abuse from children and adults, from the elementary school boy touched sexually by his father to the man in his 20s forced to have sex with his boss on a business trip.


Male victims at Nagomi are supported by Dr Yamada Hiroshi (doctor of urology). With consultations on sexually transmitted diseases and male physiology, he treats victims using the breadth of his experience supporting both their physical and psychological health.


We were shown the examination table in the urology examination room. It is a size larger than those used in gynaecology and obstetrics. It is typically used in examinations where the patient will lie back with their legs apart.


Male patients often need to be examined for any physical damage as they are likely to have been penetrated in the anus by a penis or a foreign body. If the examination happens soon enough, physical evidence of the perpetrator like semen can be obtained with a sample collection kit. Both can become crucial evidence for an investigation or trial.


Dr Yamada emphasizes however that this can be incredibly distressing for the victim. “Many men recall the experiences that have brought them here during the examination and it's painful. It's a heavy burden to bear not just physically but psychologically too,” he says.


There is nothing wrong with your body”


Dr Yamada sees many men who feel deeply devalued as people and are affected by their experience of sexual violence in their everyday lives.


He says there are also cases where men feel unable to have sex even if they find someone they are romantically interested in.


To those men, Dr Yamada says, “There is nothing wrong with your body. Nothing has changed.”


He believes that it is key to the victim being able to restore a sense of dignity and confidence to undergo a medical examination and be told there is nothing physically wrong. “It is not uncommon for men who have experienced sexual violence to feel disgust towards their body and sexual desires. It can be a relief for those men to hear that their body is fine. I believe it's important to assist mental processing by affirming the body.”


Familiar perpetrators

In the case of male victims, the majority of the perpetrators are people already known to the victim. It is notable too that so many are people in a position of authority, whether it is a father, a boss, or an older child at school.


Children or adults in vulnerable positions are forced or coerced into unwanted sexual contact. It's hard to know that it's happening, even to people close to you,” says Dr Yamada.


There are many reasons to believe that only a small percentage of those who are affected react out to support centers like Nagomi: even if victims could talk to someone they know when the perpetrator is often so close, it's a difficult subject for others to understand, and the idea that men cannot be victims is deeply rooted in society.


And, even if a victim makes it to the center, in the majority of cases it is too late to obtain evidence.


It's essential to raise awareness and enhance our support systems so that victims can come and be medically examined as soon as possible after the incident has taken place,” says Dr Yamada.


Encouraging male victims to speak out

Sexual violence against men is not openly discussed in society at present. I asked the man introduced at the beginning of this article what he felt was needed to encourage others to speak out to try to reduce sexual violence.


Firstly, I want sexual violence against men to be reported by the media in the same way as sexual violence against women is. Also, of course relying on others is important, as well with bullying. But because there's a limit to what parents and teachers can do, ultimately we have to get stronger in ourselves. I think that even now.”


There is no way that a society that makes victims think that they shouldn't rely on others and have to be stronger is a good thing. What is needed to transform society into one where victims of sexual violence can speak out and ask for help? Personally, I want to continue to communicate the true stories of victims, report their experiences, thoughts and ideas, and keep asking questions.