D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 18

男性育休元年 できるかな?

2020年2月13日 20時12分






























































































































Will 2020 be the year fathers start to take paternity leave?


By Suzuki Sōichirō, Nemoto Kōtarō

13/02/20 20:12


'I want to take paternity leave.'


These were the words of Koizumi Shinjirō, the Minister for the Environment, that garnered so much public attention.


His decision coincided with the government's new policy, leaving many people asking if 2020 is the year of fathers opting into paternity leave.


But will they really take it? What is needed for that to happen?


'I want to change the culture.'

'It's going to be a big burden on her, so I want to take two weeks paternal leave in the three months after the birth.'

The announcement of Koizumi's intention to take paternity leave came two days before the birth of his first child.

It was after the announcement that his wife, Takigawa Christel, was pregnant that Koizumi took on the role as Minister for the Environment. He had previously expressed interest in taking paternity leave, though as a member of the National Diet and a cabinet minister, it was unclear as to whether he would be permitted to.


After the announcement, Koizumi took to his blog to express his thoughts. While mentioning the issue of post-partum depression in mothers, he quoted the statistic that only around 6% of fathers working in the private sector take paternity leave.

'This isn't about the system,' he wrote, 'we have to change the culture in order for anything to change.'


One source of support for the decision was New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Her decision to become the first world leader to take maternity leave became a major talking point. While on a visit to Japan, she reportedly said the following to Koizumi Shinjirō:


'There were pros and cons when I took maternity leave. But having done it, it now seems more normal, and it's one step towards social change. For you, there may be specific criticism because you're a man. That's how it is for those who go first. You get past it. Good luck. '


Prime Minister Ardern emphasizes the need for leaders to take the initiative.



A sudden rise in the rate of government officials taking parental leave

In truth, the heads of the system equating intention with motivation is extremely important in the popularization of taking paternity leave.


One representative example is the case of male government officials, 12.4% of whom take paternity leave. Leaving aside workers in the Self Defense Forces and other specially appointed civil servants, the general rate of paternity leave uptake is 21.6%, surpassing 20% for the first time and setting a new record for the sixth consecutive year, quadrupling in four years.

The rates in private companies (6.16%) and local government workers (5.6%) have also doubled.


In fact, until seven years ago, the figures for state officials were almost the same as those for private companies and local government officials. The major change was largely due to a top-down approach. The Abe administration set the goal of raising the uptake rate of paternity leave in order to realize their centrepiece policy of encouraging women in the workplace, and have taken measures at a central government level to provide an example to the private sector and local governments.



Management awareness

The emphasis has been put an overhaul of management awareness. The directions have been to have a one-on-one conversation with staff about their family planning, and whether they would consider taking parental leave.


With the aid of a specialist checklist and input from HR, the sharing of work and arrangement of staff during a worker's parental leave has been better managed, making the process much smoother. Initiatives towards staff uptake of parental leave have also been made a part of management performance appraisals in an effort to achieve thorough awareness.


A manager at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said in an interview, 'When I entered public office twenty years ago, there wasn't a culture that made it easy to talk about paternity leave.'


'There has been some resistance from my staff about being asked about personal subjects, but as we build a culture where it is easier to take parental leave, I want to be proactive in communicating with them.'



Taking short paternity leave

Nevertheless, many issues still remain, and one of those is the length of paternity leave.


According to the cabinet personnel management bureau, about 70% of men who took childcare leave only took one month or less. In response, the government decided to launch a new initiative in April to encourage male government officials to take more than a month of paternity leave.


The key here is that the boss is the manager. The person responsible for the creation and management of a worker's parental leave plan and designation of duties in a worker's absence is not the worker themselves, it is the responsibility of the management.


It is just over a month before the implementation of new initiatives, and each ministry and agency are making efforts to raise awareness.



100% parental leave uptake companies

So far, we have seen the importance of acceptance at the top in promoting paternal leave, but that alone is not enough. Alongside those who want to take parental leave, there also has to be a cultivation of desire in others who can take it in order for the trend to become fully cemented.


The government is using selected companies as a reference for the initiatives due to be launched in April.

One of these is Sekisui House, a leading housing manufacturer. In September 2018, they introduced a system called 'Ikumen leave,' which allows male employees with children under three years old to take leave of over a month. They achieved a 100% uptake rate, with all 385 employees who were targeted by this new initiative taking paternity leave.


By putting the emphasis on taking down the barriers that made workers hesitant to take leave, the system was able to provide men with a sense of security and engender an acceptability around parental leave.


One barrier is support.


In the national system, pay during leave reduces to 80%. Many people are also worried that taking leave will have a negative effect on their future career.


Due to this, the company decided to establish its own system where workers would be paid 100% of their basic salary over a month's parental leave. They encourage employees to take parental leave by stipulating that doing so will not negatively affect promotions, raises or bonus payment rates.



A fully supportive system

Another barrier is a consciousness of the impact taking parental leave will have on the workplace, worrying about the workloads of others as well as their judgement.


Kumamoto Naoki, 38, is in charge of planning and selling public housing as well as temporary accommodation in times of disaster. The 'Ikumen leave' system was introduced when his daughters were 3 and 1 years old. After much deliberation, he decided to take parental leave last December to help his wife after the birth of their third daughter.

Under the system, there is an effort to improve workplace support during the employee's absence. Before taking parental leave, the employee is obligated to attend a meeting with their  boss to decide what jobs will be assigned to which other workers and create a detailed plan.


Kumamoto created such a plan, with a list of local authorities and financial institutions who could act as 'business partners,' as well as organizing what jobs were going to be necessary during his absence. He was able to take parental leave without any worries, having decided beforehand who would be taking over his work in his absence.


That was his experience preparing for parental leave for his second daughter. He is now doing the same to prepare to take leave after the birth of his third daughter.

'I'm glad I took parental leave. Not only did I have more time to spend with my children, but by sharing the housework with my wife, it reduced the burden on her. Under the new system, there's no resistance to the idea of taking leave.'



An initiative for a super ageing society

Regarding the aim to maintain a thorough support system, Ito Midori, an operating officer who had a key role in establishing the system, said, 'This is for everyone, not just those taking parental leave, to be able to rest with peace of mind.'


More so than the issue of parental leave, emerging into the company's line of sight is the rapidly increasing need for employees to take leave to care for their elderly parents, as the super ageing society progresses.


'In the future, we won't be able to work effectively unless everyone, including those who need to take parental leave or care leave, work together. We need to continue with the uptake of parental leave, and prepare a framework for dealing with future risks.' Ito was unwavering about this.

'There is no future for companies that cannot give their employees a month's leave.'



'Take it or miss out': parental leave in Scandinavia

Sekisui House achieved 100% uptake of paternity leave with the implementation of their own system and making their employees feel it is acceptable to take leave. Abroad, similar results have been achieved by making workers feel that they will lose out if they don't take parental leave.


In Norway, a country known for its advanced welfare system, either parent is able to take parental leave. Despite this, women were still the main recipients, so in 1993 the so-called 'daddy quota' system was introduced, where a part of the leave was reserved just for men.


If men don't take the leave, their entitlement is lost. This ensured that from a few percent uptake prior to the new system, after ten years the rate of men taking paternity leave exceeded 70%.



'The world's highest standard'

As previously mentioned, the uptake rate of paternity leave in Japanese private companies is at 6.16%. The government has set a goal to raise this to 13% this year. While this compares unfavorably with Scandinavian countries that achieve around 80%, Yamaguchi Shintaro, a professor at the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo who studies parental leave systems around the world, says, 'the system itself in Japan embodies the world's highest standard.'


Evaluated by length of parental leave and payable income during that period, Japan's system is said to be the most comprehensive compared to other countries.


In fact, last year, in a report compiled by UNICEF on childcare support measures in developed countries, Japan's paternity leave system was ranked first of 41 countries.



The spread of parental leave

So what is needed to raise the rate of uptake in Japan?

Professor Yamaguchi raises the example of Norway and suggests the keyword is 'contagious.'


According to research conducted on the reasons for paternity leave uptake after the introduction of the 'daddy quota' system, people who knew others close to them who had taken leave were more likely to take parental leave themselves.

Professor Yamaguchi explains, 'Parental leave really is contagious. What is important is for those at the top to get across that taking leave is acceptable, and for workers who take it to tell other workers that they took it and it was fine.'



Time to change the culture

Koizumi Shinjirō's decision to take paternity leave was reported en masse by the world's media.


The British public broadcaster, the BBC, went with the headline, 'Paternity leave: Why Japan is talking about Shinjirō Koizumi.'


About the extremely low uptake despite the acclaimed paternity leave system in Japan, they wrote, 'Men in Japan help the least with housework than men in any other country.'


At this point of domestic and international attention, now is the chance for men in Japan to participate in childcare.


We asked Professor Yamaguchi about his predictions for the future. 'I can see Koizumi's decision being the starting point for the spread of paternity leave. At some point in the future when paternity leave is fully integrated into our society, we may look back on now as the turning point.'


We hope that in some small way, this article has also been able to help change the culture around paternity leave.