D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 5

新年のトレンドワード まさかの第3次世界大戦

2020年1月6日 20時08分


新年早々に入ってきたアメリカによるイランの司令官殺害のニュース。ネットをのぞくと「第3次世界大戦」「WW3」ということばがトレンドワードになっていました。こうした中、歴史を見つめてきた人たちのことばを引用し、現代の対立を冷静に見つめようというSNS上のメッセージが注目されています。(ネットワーク報道部記者 秋元宏美/高橋大地)

海外 そして日本でも













プロパガンダ 10の法則
















10の法則 当てはまる?























































'World War 3' trends at the start of new year

6/1/20 20:08

By Akimoto Hiromi and Takahashi Daichi


The new year starts with the news of the US's killing of a prominent Iranian forces commander. Online, 'World War 3' trends on social media. In light of the current situation, we take a look at quotes from history popularized on social media and voices calling for a calmer approach towards this modern conflict.


At home and abroad

It was just before noon of the 3rd of January when the shocking news of the killing of Iran's elite forces commander, Qasem Soleimani, by the US reached Japan. Within no time at all, anxiety spread, manifested in the words 'World War 3,' which trended globally online.

'Are America and Iran going to start WW3?'

'3 days into a new year and WW3 trends...seriously.'

'WW3 trending at the start of what's supposed to be a good year, what the hell?'


From a historical perspective

There were also quotes from war researchers and historical figures shared on social media urging others to look at the current situation more calmly.

'I've been hearing a lot about a supposed World War 3. Have we been tricked again?'

Attached to the above tweet was an extract from a book that describes 'The Ten Principles of War Propaganda.'


  1. We don't want war, we are only defending ourselves
  2. Our adversary is solely responsible for this war
  3. Our adversary's leader is inherently evil and resembles a devil
  4. We are defending a noble cause, not our particular interests
  5. The enemy is purposefully committing atrocities; if we are making mistakes this happens without intention
  6. The enemy makes use of illegal weapons
  7. We suffer few losses, the enemy's losses are considerable
  8. Recognized intellectuals and artists support our cause
  9. Our cause is sacred
  10. Whoever casts doubt on our propaganda helps the enemy and is a traitor


It was British politician Arthur Ponsonby who first proposed these principles and published them in 1928, after his work on propaganda used in World War 1.


Later, Belgian historian, Anne Morelli, wrote an in-depth analysis into whether these rules could also be applied to modern conflicts, such as the Cold War, Gulf War and the aerial bombing of Afghanistan. Her book was published in Japan in 2002.


The current US-Iran conflict

Various statements by the US and Iran carry echoes of the Ten Principles.


(US: President Trump)

'We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.'


(US: statement from the Department of Defense)

'This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.'


(Iran: military advisor to Supreme Leader Khamenei, Maj. Gen. Dehghan)

'We do not want a war.'

'It was America who is starting the war...America...has taken action directly against us -- so we take direct action against America.'


The prevalence of the principles was also discussed on Twitter.

'When you look at the statements from Iran and the US, they are in line with Anne Morelli's '10 Principles of War Propaganda.' The next stage of 'artists and intellectuals supporting our cause' has already begun and that and the increasing patriotism points towards war.'


An objective reference on conflict

The publishers of Morelli's book Soshisha said, 'We urge people to use this set of objective rules with any country-to-country conflict to help find the true information.'


The publishing company have few copies left in their warehouse but indicated they may print a second edition sometime in the future.


The rhetoric of the Nazis

We were able to find similar tweets in English on Twitter.

A user in North America wrote, 'Hearing people talking about WW3 after what happened in Iran makes me think of what Herman Goering said after WW2.' A quote of what Nazi leader Goering said at the post-war international military trials in Nuremburg followed.

'Of course the people don’t want war. But...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.'


The words of a genius

The words of 20th century genius scientist Einstein were also commonly quoted.

'I don't know [what weapons will be used in the Third World War]. But I can tell you what they'll use in the Forth - rocks!'

This was Einstein's answer in a magazine interview in post-war 1949.


Einstein's thoughts

What did Einstein have in mind when he said those words?

We asked professor emeritus of Aichi University Bando Masako, who studied under Dr Yukawa Hideki, who had been on friendly terms with Einstein.

She said, 'Einstein was pained by the idea of nuclear physics being used to create weapons, and strove for complete nuclear disarmament. I believe his statement was about how we can eradicate war and nuclear weapons, from his point of view of a scientist, rather than an emotional answer.'


Bando recalls Yukawa teaching her that, 'Scientists cannot do anything alone. We all have to make sure together that science is not used in warfare.'


Yukawa's strong stance seemed to have been related to his attendance of the Pugwash Conferences, which started after the Russell-Einstein Manifesto calling for the total abolition of nuclear weapons in 1955.


Now 82, Bando concluded, with reference to the recent quotation of Einstein's words on social media, 'No one person can stop a war, but if everyone works to change the current situation, there is hope.'


Knowing the past is knowing the present

After what has felt like a history lesson, we were reminded how the Internet can be used as a tool to more easily share the lessons of history.