D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 26

2002年に発生し、2003年には世界へ拡散し世界経済にも大きな影響を与えたSARS(重症急性呼吸器症候群;severe acute respiratory syndrome)に比べても感染者数、死亡者数は多くなった。
早い段階でウイルスが分離され、それはコロナウイルスであり遺伝子配列からSARSウイルスに近く、コウモリ由来であろうと推測されている[2]。現在、発熱、肺炎以外にウイルス遺伝子RNAを検出する逆転写PCR(ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応;polymerase chain reaction)で確定診断が行われている。SARSが流行した2003年に比べて技術的進歩は画期的である。

人に感染するコロナウイルスとしては7番目の発見であり、その内1-4番目は通常の風邪症状を示すウイルスに過ぎない(1番目は1965年発見)。その後、SARSコロナウイルスとMERS(中東呼吸器症候群;Middle East respiratory syndrome)コロナウイルスが見つかり病原性の高いヒト・コロナウイルスがあることがわかった。今回の新型は、病原性で言えば、両者の中間であろうと思われる。今回の流行が終息してみなければわからないが、来年以降はSARSの場合のように一度も現れないか、風邪コロナウイルスで病原性がやや高い5番目として落ち着くかもしれない。 







What will stabilize the coronavirus?

By Katō Shigetaka, virologist and author of 'The History of Mankind and Infectious Diseases' and 'Continued: The History of Mankind and Infectious Diseases.'

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is a new type of infectious disease that started in Wuhan, in China's Hubei Province, in December 2019. As of February 19th 2020, the number of people infected across the world has passed 75,204, resulting in 2,009 deaths [1]. There are as yet no signs that its progression is abating. Most of those affected have been in China. Compared to the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2002, which spread around the world in 2003 and had a big effect on the world economy, there have been more fatalities and cases of infection. The virus was isolated at an early stage and its genetic sequence was found to be similar to that of SARS, likely originating in bats [2]. At present, other than presentation of fever and pneumonia, definitive diagnosis can be made by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test to detect the viral gene RNA. There have been some ground-breaking technological developments since SARS took hold in 2003.
Coronavirus is so called because when viewed under a microscope its shape is similar to a crown (this is the same etymology as the sun's corona).

There are some things that we do know, even if it is impossible to say with any certainty what the consequences will be of the spread of infection from now on.

1. Its place within human coronaviruses
This is the seventh discovery of a coronavirus that has infected humans. The first coronavirus was discovered in 1965, and coronaviruses 1-4 were nothing more than common colds. After those came the discovery of highly pathogenic human coronaviruses in the SARS coronavirus and the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus. The current coronavirus is somewhere between SARS and MERS in terms of pathogenicity. We won't know until we see the progression of this coronavirus as to whether it will disappear after next year as was the case with SARS, or whether it will settle as the fifth coronavirus with a slightly higher pathogenicity than the cold virus.

2. Why is the death rate so high in Wuhan?
This is probably due to a failing of the initial response. Infectious disease control is all about early detection and fast response. In December 2019, doctors urged extra caution as this new virus was different to regular pneumonia, yet found their voices suppressed due to fears of economic losses at city, provincial and national levels. These actions are thought to have increased the number of victims. This was the same with the SARS outbreak. Furthermore, populations and the scope of human travel has increased significantly in the 17 years since 2003. A secondary reason is that medical infrastructure could not keep up with the large numbers of patients falling ill at the same time. Only by maintaining a medical infrastructure, training medical professionals and procuring medical equipment in non-epidemic times can a system be ready when an epidemic does occur. Providing accurate information at an early stage and responding early would have created a more gradual stream of patients, allowed for appropriate medical treatment, and increased the survival rate. Measures to manage the peak flow of patients to a more manageable workload are important for all countries.

3. Commonalities of the fatalities
Most of those people who have died are elderly or have underlying conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, liver or kidney disease. Age and underlying conditions are a major causes for reduced immunity. Those individuals with reduced immunity are more likely to die, whether that is due to the flu or any other infectious disease.

4. The impact of Wuhan quarantine
The Chinese government quarantined the city of Wuhan and advised non-essential persons to limit their travel, in line with recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO) that proved effective in response to the SARS outbreak. This has been best practice and the foundation of dealing with contagious diseases since the plague. But, the question still remains as to whether the enforcement of the quarantine came too late. It has been reported that half the inhabitants of Wuhan left before the establishment of the quarantine.

5. Infection prevention measures on an individual level
Counter-measures are the same for coronavirus as they are for avoiding the common cold: washing hands, wearing masks and gargling. As the outside of coronavirus is made up of the same components as a human cellular membrane, it easily becomes inactive when in contact with soap or alcohol. Infection can spread by touching handles and other surfaces that have been touched by patients, then unconsciously touching the nose or mouth. Santizing the hands is therefore effective. The virus particles are exceptionally small, so standard masks do not offer full protection. Masks can be used more as a way of preventing the spread of one's own cold to others. When it comes to gargling, though it is not possible to clean everything including the nasal cavity and bronchial tube, it is still better doing so than not.

6. Humanity and infectious diseases
Even after the end of the first phase of coronavirus, new infectious diseases will continue emerge as long as humanity exists. As far as we know, 70% of infectious diseases in humans originate in animals. Humans and animals have co-existed over the entire history of humanity, but with the development of natural resources, population expansion, advent of aviation and economic growth, the potential contact between humans and animal habitats has increased, leading to the possible emergence of new infectious diseases. In short, we need always to be alert and prepared. When it comes to managing the risks to humanity, measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases is of the same high importance as preventing global warming and eradication of nuclear weapons. We have to deal with the new coronavirus in a calm and intelligent manner.

7. Minimizing panic
The foundation of human behaviour is in emotion, not reason, and we are moved to anxiety easily, which is difficult to manage. Infectious disease control can only succeed by learning from the past, refining our knowledge, responding effectively and reducing anxiety. It is fundamentally important to keep providing trustworthy and reliable information to achieve this, as insufficient information will only instigate panic.