D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 27




『「もしもあの時」の社会学 歴史にifがあったなら』(赤上裕幸/筑摩書房)



その「反実仮想」について多角的に考察するのが、『「もしもあの時」の社会学 歴史にifがあったなら』(赤上裕幸/筑摩書房)だ。著者は『ポスト活字の考古学 「活映」のメディア史1911-1958』(柏書房)なども著した気鋭の社会学者である。











'What if Hitler had won?' 'What if Hitler had been female?'

The value of asking 'what if' in sociology



'If history had been different: the sociology of 'What if...?'' Akagami Hiroyuki/Chikuma Shobō


Someone once said, 'there are no ifs in history.' It seems to a lot of people to be a pointless exercise considering what would have happened if Oda Nobunaga had not died in the incident at Honnō-ji or if Japan had won the Second World War when we cannot possibly know the answers.

I imagine though that most people have considered such historical ifs at least once, and if not, wondered how things could have played out in their own lives had they not married the person they did or if they had worked for a different company. This method of considering the different paths reality could have taken is known as counterfactual thinking.

'If history had been different: the sociology of 'What if...?'' by Akagami Hiroyuki (published by Chikuma Shobō) is a multi-faceted consideration of such counterfactual thinking. Akagami is a talented sociologist who is also the author of 'Post-print archaeology: the history of Katsuei media 1911-1958' published by Kashiwa Shobō.

Even though 'If history...' is a study on counterfactual thinking, it does not imagine the answers to specific questions like how history would have been different if Hitler had won or if JFK had not been assassinated. Instead, it analyzes the meaning in counterfactual thinking and the history that has been subjected to it. Subjects of analysis include Phillip K Dick's alternative history science fiction novel 'The Man in the High Castle' and Aramaki Yoshio's fictional military history 'Konpoki no kantai' series, while making various diversions to cover the academic studies of the sociologist Max Weber, the historian Niall Ferguson and the philosopher Walter Benjamin.


Counterfactual thinking is the diverse re-imagining of history

In the book, sociologist Osawa Masayuki's definition of sociology helps explain why sociologists have taken to using counterfactual thinking. According to Osawa, sociology is the critical and sceptical analysis of social phenomenon that seeks to determine their origins and causal relationships.

There is therefore a lot of meaning in counterfactual thinking. If one wants to accurately analyze the impact of Hitler on society, one has to ask what things would have been like if he had not existed. However, it can be surprisingly difficult to use counterfactual thinking in an academically rigorous manner.  For example, while it might be interesting from the point of view of fiction to consider how history could have been different had Hitler been female, analysis of such a question carries little meaning when the chances of a woman actually taking power at that time were non-existent. Finding alternative versions of reality that could have happened but didn't is incredibly difficult.

Not only that, while short term re-imaginings of reality carry a degree of probability, the more long term the focus of counterfactual thinking, the more factors are involved and the more impossible outcomes are infinitely increased. A further point of critical weakness is that no thought experiment can ever be proved correct. In short, it is possible to argue anything.

There is therefore always a danger that it can be used by historical revisionists and conspiracy theorists to claim that the reality of history is different to the accepted facts. For example, there is only a small jump between considering what history would have been like had there been no Holocaust and asserting that it did not happen.

In the ways we have discussed, counterfactual thinking has its faults and weaknesses, but at the same time, it is an attractive method to shine a light on different corners of history so that we might better understand the present reality we inhabit.