D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 55

日本政府の「報道抑圧」を国連が痛烈批判! それでも大手メディアはだんまり……


古賀 茂明





















Suppression of the press: the UN's scathing criticism of the Japanese Government


...while major media outlets remain silent. Can Japan still be classed as a developed country?


By Koga Shigeaki

Former reformist government official for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and proponent of Forum 4



Media independence is in crisis

We are at a crisis for journalistic freedom in Japan. Previously, I have written about how the media barely reported on Japanese corporations and other issues in relation to the Panama Papers, and yet again there have been two big stories concerning the freedom of the Japanese press.


The first was United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression David Kaye's visit to Japan. The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body responsible for the protection of human rights, and its role includes making recommendations to governments.


The fact that the UN sent a special rapporteur to investigate is evidence of their concerns about freedom of the press in Japan. It had potential to create headaches for a number of people.


Not least Prime Minister Abe and Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide. The visit was originally due to take place in December of last year, but the Japanese government sought for it to postponed until the fall of 2016, and ultimately cancelled it last minute. It was claimed that this was due to the compilation of the budget, but that was simply false. The Japanese government felt it was likely to encounter difficulties should criticism of their suppression of press freedom and the UN recommendations be published before the House of Councillors election in the summer.


Kaye persevered in pushing for an early visit to Japan, ultimately the government backed down and the inspection went ahead. The Abe administration had calculated that if the visit happened in April, the report would not be published in time for the spring meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council.


However, things aren't always quite that simple, as they found out, when Kaye announced that he would hold a press conference before he left Japan.


Can Japan still be called a developed country?

I actually had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Kaye for two hours on April 16. I presented to him the document issued by the LDP to network flagship stations in Tokyo in November 2014, a copy of a similar little known document issued to news station producers in November, and the memo of an off the record chat between Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga and political reporters of several television stations in February 2015.


At a press conference on April 19, Kaye was surprisingly frank in his criticism of the government, and announced his policy recommendations. Regarding the top priority of media independence, he advocated the establishment of an independent broadcasting regulator, and recommended the abolition of Article 4 of the Broadcast Act requiring political impartiality, as it has the potential to be used arbitrarily against broadcasters.


Whilst he had considerable criticism for the government, there was also scathing criticism for the media too. He advised the Japanese media to abolish the press club system and establish a union across newspapers, television and digital platforms to fight governmental pressure. Surprisingly, for such an important press conference, television that night and newspapers the following morning barely reported on it, and if they did, it was nothing more than a simplistic, passing glance.


After my meeting with Kaye on April 16, he himself said, “It will be a test to see whether or not the Japanese media will properly report on the press conference.”


The second big story was the announcement on April 20 of the 2016 Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters without Borders. Japan ranked at 72, slipping 11 places in 15 years. In these circumstances, it is not possible to call Japan a developed nation. It is still saddening, despite this ranking being inevitable.


Even so, the mainstream media in Japan did not confront the government, neither did they respond to the UN's concerns. Japanese citizens have no way to become aware of the grave danger we are in. The only conclusion I can come to is that we are cornered with no way out.