D Baker - 日英翻訳者

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翻訳 36

デジタルアニメって何? 特徴とメリット・これからの発展は?





















さらなる発展に期待! デジタルアニメの進化は止まらない






What is digital animation? The features, benefits and possible future developments


In recent years, the use of computers to produce digital works in favour of traditional hand-painted analog methods has become mainstream in the anime industry. Whilst looking at what exactly digital animation is, we'll be looking at its unique features and benefits, as well as the possible future developments.


What is digital animation?

Digital animation refers to animation that utilizes CG, or computer graphics. These animations employ a digital rendering process, and special effects and coloring are also added digitally to the animation cels. There are two types of CG, firstly 2D, which is composed of consecutive two dimensional illustrations, and 3D, which is created with polygons. In the case of 3D, cels often undergo a process called 'toon shading.'


It was the start of the 1980s when digital animation production first attracted attention in Japan. From the mid-1990s, the digitization of animation has progressed rapidly thanks to the advancement of technology. A number of animation studios digitized coloring, photography and special effects as practices shifted from analog to digital coloring of animation cels. Both 2D and 3D CG-based animations increased, and in amongst various achievements, the latter half of 1990 saw the broadcast of a full length 3D animation.


What are the benefits of digital animation?

There are a lot of things to champion about digital animation.


Ease of editing

One big advantage of digital animation is the potential to correct errors easily. In an analog process, making adjustments have to be done by hand and take time. That is reduced to just the click of a button or shortcut key when creating animations digitally. It means the burden is reduced when creating 'inbetweens' (which smooth movement between frames) or when coloring cels.


No more storage or transportation worries

Digital animation can be managed as data, and sent back and forth across the internet. This is in contrast to before, when there was a need for secure cel storage areas and also to transport cels around when an animated work was being created at multiple companies. When cels were hand-painted, they needed time to dry, and it was necessary to take measures against accidental scratching and dust contamination. It's difficult for these kind of issues to affect digital animation.


Machine level precision

While it takes time to initially create an 3D object using CG, once it is created, it is possible to film it from various camera angles. This has meant a saving in both the costs and labor used to draw cels. 3D CG modeling can be used even when the main drawing is two dimensional, and is often used when precise information is required, such as in the use of robots, machinery and firearms.


Watch this space: the continual progress of digital animation

While 2D CG animation is mainstream in Japan, the adoption and effective application of 3D CG technology has meant the increase of 3D animations using full CG – complete even with CG backgrounds. With digital animation making possible what has previously been impossible, it seems likely that further developments are on the horizon. With the advancements of digital animation in recent years, companies have been looking for more talented human resources. Students training to be animators should learn their way around digital animation at specialist college - by acquiring the knowledge and skills, you too can play an active role in the animation industry.