D Baker - 日英翻訳者

------------------------- 今までの翻訳をご覧いただきありがとうございます。和英翻訳は私にお任せください!ご連絡をお待ちしております。------------------------- Translation: debra_baker@hotmail.co.uk Tutoring: @grammargopher

翻訳 20











  • 機器を入手できない。これは、一部の人々に第一のデジタル格差と考えられています。
  • 手の届く範囲にあるテクノロジーに関する知識の無さ。これが第二のデジタル格差です。








  • あらゆるテクノロジーにアクセスできる人々。
  • やり方が難しい、高額すぎる、あるいは不可能といった理由でテクノロジーにアクセスできない人々。





  • 世界中のほぼ全ての人と素早く簡単にコミュニケーションを取ることができる。
  • 教育ツールとして優れている。
  • テクノロジーは尽きることのない娯楽の源を供給してくれる。







What is the 'digital divide'?



The term 'digital divide' is used to describe a type of inequality, and is increasingly being used in work and other contexts. So what are the effects of this divide and what are the first tangible signs?


Today our focus is on the digital divide. The advances of technology from the end of the 20th century to the start of the 21st century have been breathtaking. But is everyone on board with these changes?


Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan once said that information and communication technologies are not a panacea nor a magic wand, but have the power to improve the lives of everyone on the planet.


The 'digital divide' refers to the gulf between those who use ICT and those who don't. There are people for whom using technology is impossible or a mystery. In this article we aim to look at this concept, the inherent problems and possible solutions.


What is the digital divide?


Technological innovation is by nature not something usually disseminated by the government. In other words, not all companies or individuals become users of technology, and some users do not keep up with progress. As a result, hidden cultural and economic inequalities are created. It is said that in developing countries only 10% of the population have internet access, while 58% do in developed countries.


As you can see, a large percentage of the world's population has little awareness of this process. Having said that, technology can make daily tasks much more comfortable and opens the door to many developments. Technology is the key to human development and progress.


Inequality can appear in the following ways:

  • Being unable to obtain machinery and tools. This is considered by some to be the primary issue of the digital divide.
  • Being unable to use technology close to hand. This is the secondary digital divide.


The primary and secondary digital divide


It is key to recognize that it is not just the unavailability of machinery but also the usage of it that becomes a difficult obstacle to overcome. This is because technological innovations are impacted by how people use them and the effects on people's lives. Therefore, it is extremely important that each person use technology according to their various needs and interests.


It is not enough to simply have access to the internet: it is also necessary to be computer literate. Such skills are necessary in both personal and professional life. This is especially true in societies where information and growth of knowledge is valued highly.


One point that should be emphasized is the gender gap in computer literacy. While generational and educational factors clearly play a role in the primary digital divide, the secondary digital divide mainly effects women. This contributes to a gender gap in the use of computers and the internet. Unfortunately, this is a difficult problem to solve.


Problems arising from the digital divide


From a social perspective, new social and economic inequalities are created whenever the majority of a population are unable to access crucial technologies. It will also further exacerbate existing disparities.


Similarly, there are two extremes with new technology, which in turn impact the labor market: those who can access them, and those who can't, either because they don't know how, because they are priced out, or because they are unable.


This fragmentation is particularly visible in countries with high inequality, with disparities between citizens of one country or even inhabitants of the same city.


Clearly, countries that cannot actively apply technology will lose their competitive edge. There will also be inequality between those people who can access technology and those who can't when it comes to the labor market within the same country. In these situations, people with access to technology are most likely to enter the market and gain work.


Finding a way forward


The good news is there are many positives that arise from technological advances. Technology enables us to communicate with most people on earth quickly and easily; gives us exceptional educational tools; and provides us with an endless source of entertainment.


For these and many other reasons, countries should use public policy to eliminate the digital divide and spread access to technology to the general public.


By narrowing the digital divide, we can combat inequality and ensure that more people get the opportunity to access education and better job prospects.